Saturday, 16 June 2012

In her own words

I've finished!

I'm so sorry if I'm alienating some of you, your whole fucking culture alienates me
They call it climbing, we call it visibility, they call it coolness, we call it visibility, they call it way to rowdy, we call it finally free!
When she talks, I hear the revolution, in her hips, there's revolutions, when she walks I hear the revolution coming, in her kiss, I taste the revolution
The Sylvia Plath story is told to girls who write, they want us to think that to be a girl poet means that you have to die
Hey do you believe there's anything beyond troll-guy reality?
I believe in the radical nature of pleasure babe
You're a big girl now, you've got no reason not to fight; you've got to know what they are before you can fight for your rights.  Rights?  Rights? You DO have rights! (unfinished in this image)

And pride of place: Rebel girl she is the queen of my world
I'm so excited to have finished this awesome project, however I'm already thinking about my next one.  I'm planning to do a series about women who write and are awesome.  As I mentioned last time, Virginia Woolf is high on my list of awesome women who write, but I've been unable to think of the right quotes to put with it.  Instead I've decided to go with Gertrude Stein and an apt metaphor my English teacher used of her work being a coded window into her life with Alice.

The image I'm starting with is this one:

Surprisingly, this looks pretty awesome when run through a pattern maker: (10 colours, 150x120 st)

I probably won't fill in the background completely, but instead will have words spilling out from underneath the billowing curtain.  I'm also considering putting a rose (or three) in a vase by the right window, or maybe in a window box.  I'll be rereading "Tender Buttons" for the quotes.

My other project is less difficult: I found this awesome pattern in an etsy store for a image which says "Tardis, sweet tardis"  It's going to be perfect for a Dr Who obsessed friend's 21st which is coming up.  I like the idea of reappropriating the trite phrase as well.

Because I stumbled across an awesome border pattern by Rayna of Radical Cross stitch this week, I've decided to use that as the border instead.  The free pattern is on the Radical Cross Stitch facebook site.    I've been playing around with the demo version of WinStitch pattern maker, and this is what I've smushed together: 

The writing is rather small -- I might move the tardis over a bit and do cross stitch letters rather than just reproducing the existing pattern.

So that's what I've been up to, that and exams, which explains my quiet presence on the internet this week.

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